3 Common Marketing Mistakes
A company is definitely going to start to fail if they take care of marketing wrongly. These mistakes don’t just happen at first, but can be happen over time. Without taking care of the marketing, there will be a dire situation for a company, as there will be no proper channel of reaching the customers to communicate with them. And if the company cannot communicate with the customers properly, it will also have a lower brand image and reputation in the market.
There are 3 common marketing mistakes that companies should avoid.
- Not Giving A Clear Message
If customers see a company isn’t telling them exactly what it does, they’re likely to think you’re not interested in them or that you have no clue what you’re doing. But, if you’re targeting the right people, it might not even matter! Sometimes, just getting customers in the door is all that’s needed. For instance, your best chances at capturing more viewers come when someone is watching a competition, like a video game or someone’s first date. You’re already interested in the person and this increases the chances of that person giving you his or her contact information.
When someone doesn’t know what you do, they might ask a friend or colleague who has a better idea. So if you need help getting the word out, your best bet is to ask them. Of course, some may just think you’re weird or fake, but people do have a tendency to forget what they did or said the first time, so give them a chance to remember! - Ignoring the customer base
Don’t assume that customers want you. Don’t assume they will buy from you. Find out what they really want. What they actually need. What’s in it for them. And then make sure that your customers know about it. - Wrong Target
Most companies do not think through where their customers live. The more you find out about your customers, the more money you make. Read “Be Here Now” by Michael Hyatt to find out why understanding your customer is vital to your marketing strategy. On the other hand, you cannot just select the right people, try to find a general audience. For example, you cannot afford to launch a campaign to reach only the 27th largest American metropolitan area.